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General Statutory Information

Statutory Information

School Contact Details

All Saints Primary School, Castle Street, Wellingborough, NN8 1LS Tel: 01933 225888

Head Teacher: Mrs Emma Johnson

Admission Arrangements

The Governing Body is the Admission Authority in this Voluntary Aided School and is therefore responsible for the admission of children to the school. The published admission number (PAN) for the school is 30. This means that the Governing Body may admit up to 30 children per year group. When there are more applications than there are places available, the Governors will admit children according to the following admission oversubscription criteria which are listed in order of priority.

The priority order is:

  1. Looked after child
  2. Children who worship at All Saints Church Wellingborough
  3. A sibling attending the school at the time of admission
  4. Closest school to home
  5. Children of worshipping members of any church that is a member of Churches Together in England
  6. Other children whose parents have requested a place

For more detail of this criteria, please see our Admissions Policy.

The Governors will admit children with a statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school.

Appeals Timetable

The Governing Body of a Voluntary Aided School is the Admission Authority for the school and is therefore responsible for all admissions.  If a year group is oversubscribed – that is, there are more applications than places available – the governing body will apply the admissions criteria from the Admissions Policy, allocating places up to their Published Admission Number. Parents/guardians of those refused places are then entitled to appeal against the Governing Body’s decision.

We use the Diocesan Appeals Service for admissions appeals and all appeals will take place on Zoom.

Please visit

https://www.peterborough-diocese.org.uk/church-schools/admission-and-appeals/ for further details, or contact the Diocese of Peterborough Education Team Executive Administrator by email on  or 01604 887060.


Right of Appeal

The Governors will admit up to the published admission number (PAN). For any child subsequently refused a place, parents/legal guardians will have the right to appeal against the decision, to an Independent Appeals Panel.  Parents wishing to appeal should contact the Appeals Administrator to request an Admission Appeals pack.

E-mail:   or call 01604-887006

A full copy of our Admissions Policy can be found here

In Year Applications

If you would like to apply to our school for an in year place then please visit the applying to our school on our website for detailed instructions on the steps to take.


For all of our policies, both statutory and other policies, please visit the Policies section of the website.


Our OFSTED inspection in June 2022 rated All Saints CEVA Primary School & Nursery as “GOOD”.

Click Here for the full Ofsted report

We are proud of the achievement of our pupils academically, and also value their personal development and enjoyment of school.

We continue to challenge ourselves to further enhance the experiences that we provide to ensure that we achieve our aim of developing successful leaners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

Please click here for our School Comparison Webpage .

Sports and PE Information

For detailed information about our PE Lessons please see our Curriculum Subjects Page. For information about PE & Sport Premium Funding, please see our Sport Premium Page.


Meeting National Requirements for Swimming and Water Safety Participation
Percentage of Year 6 children that can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.  73%
Percentage of Year 6 children that can use a range of strokes effectively.  73%
Percentage of Year 6 children that can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.  73%